Sunday, May 25, 2008

Author's Note

In previous blog entries I kind of made shotgun approach and covered the big picture of my thoughts. In the following entries I am going to attempt to take a step back and unpack some of the issues discussed in those entries in greater detail. Along the way I may ask for some of your input.
I am looking for real life father daughter stories and data. I want to know about your relationships with your daddies. I want to know about outstanding memories from different times in your lives, the good, the bad, the exceptional, and the horrible. I want to know when he met you just where you were and hit the nail right on the head, even if he didn’t know he was doing it. And, I want to know when he completely missed the opportunity to make the moment special or maybe even stole one away because of a comment or criticism made at just the wrong time or the absence or presence or praise when you needed it the most. Don’t worry, I would never use anyone’s name at any time and I would never even use an obvious element of your personal story without your permission. I really just want to collect some data.
While several women have read this blog, and I definitely want women to continue to come back, frequently, and give me feedback, my ultimate goal from this project is two fold. First, I am gathering material, data, and testing out my ideas here before moving forward with formal “real-world” projects. I know that the lines between “real-world” and the Internet or “virtual-world” are almost completely blurred in the twenty-first century, but here on the internet I can practice, test, and try out things, invite an audience and get feedback. Off the “net” I have to have a finished, polished, tested, and mostly proven “product”, so to speak, to present to those with the authority to allow me to speak to an audience, whether that is a live audience in auditorium or a live media presentation, in print form, like in a book or a magazine series.
Second, my heart’s passion is to reach out to dads. I want to stir up a desire in them to become the father every little princess need the first standard bearer in her life to be. We live in a world that is suffering from a serious breakdown in fatherhood. We need to break the cycle and make serious strides to make sure that the next generation of girls arrives at womanhood knowing what it means to have been loved by the first Prince Charming in their life.
Bear with me while I may begin to sound a little redundant. I am stepping back a little and starting to explore my thoughts with greater detail and purpose.

I apologize in advance for the fact that I can tend to be rather prolific, so many of these posts can become sometimes lengthy. But, if the words written here ever do progress to something more, like a book, then chapters are definitely going to be much longer than these lengthy blog posts.
John Donahue

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John Donahue author of Every Daddy's Princess

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